About Lessly

I work with those of you who are called to ‘do the work’
from a deep soul level.

When you have heard the call from your ancestors and where you know you are here to be the change so that your contribution will be felt not just in your lineage but for generations to come.

You also know that your own healing journey will positively impact your tribe, your community and more so Mother Earth, Pacha Mama.

It’s an honour to be here with you in this time.

Hi, I’m Lessly.

I'm a Psychic Medium Reader, A Certified Spirit Weaver & Shamanic Magician, A Ceremonialist & Sacred Space Holder under the White Dragon Lineage with Shamanic Energy Training®.

I specialise in Women’s Work with 1:1 Readings, Healing Sessions, Women’s Circles, Women’s Retreats, Women’s Programs and Women’s Sacred Ceremonies such as Baby Callings, Baby Blessings, Family Blessings and also special occasions.

I provide you with empowered and energetically clean sessions igniting your true north in a grounded and supportive heart centred space.

It is not just the qualifications and training that makes a person’s life experience that is bestowed upon us in this School of Earth, and I am proud to be initiated and living in this lifetime as:

  • Woman

  • Mother

  • Daughter

  • Sister

  • Grandmother

Lessly is a grounded, nurturing, powerful yet empowering, Practitioner, Master & Teacher that will set you on your path! Why? because she's been where you are and completely understands the everyday demands of life in this day and age whilst still reaching for her dreams!

Lessly’s Story

Firstly I’m is a PROUD MOTHER to 5 gorgeous kids.

Ranging from 22 - 6 years old, I feel so blessed to have the honour of being their MAMA. Just last year I also became a Grandmother to my 1st Grandchild which is a huge initiation for me and my tribe. 

My mission is to help, support and empower people from all walks of life especially at this critical time of the feminine!

I have personally overcome childhood & teenage trauma, PTSD, I was initiated into motherhood very young, endured the heart ache of separation, working in the corporate world,  facing my shadows, re-birthing myself over and over again. I truly understand what it means to start from scratch and the struggles one can face on an emotional, mental, energetic, spiritual, soul & physical level.

I had to get therapy and in time understanding of my own wounding to allow the healing & transformation to take place. It’s because of my past that I turned to holistic medicine in the first place and why I’m here to help YOU! 

I am here to help with the birthing of the New Earth by assisting you to be your strongest beautiful authentic divine selves, in helping you to re-member YOUR purpose, mission and provide more clarity on your path and journey in this amazing time.

I run my Holistic & Well-being business Soul Pacha Mama ONLINE & IN PERSON from Melbourne, Australia. 

“She is a woman. She is a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister. She is a truly amazing person.

She is strong, smart, crafty. She is passionate, courageous, generous. She is beautiful, she has a brain and knows exactly how to use it.

She gives life, love, respect, gratitude and believes in others. She will nurture you, fight for you and she deserves nothing less in return from YOU.”

- www.AwesomeQuotes4u.com