Soul Sessions

2 hours - $333

Lessly utilises her gifts as a Psychic Medium Reader, Shamanic Practitioner, Spirit Weaver, Shamanic Magician, Sacred Space Holder and Ceremonialist to allow her clients to experience Soul Sessions with utmost integrity, authenticity and safety. Her ongoing training and own life experience enables for a potent and powerful Soul Session that is unique and personalised to each client for both PERSONAL or BUSINESS needs.

These 1:1’s are such a treat to the mind, body and soul where it really enables you to drop in, clear and balance. Having a Soul Session can allow for immense transformative powers to be experienced, its effects can felt by you as her client to family, friends, your tribe and even positively impact your community.

“Lessly’s session have always been brilliantly detailed, specific and honest. She has always managed to ground me while educating my mind and body. I was slightly apprehensive about having a session via Zoom but I can happily say that it was one of my most beneficial and productive sessions I have had with her.”

Lisa E.