Shamanic Clearing

90 minute session - $280
(in person or remote)

“It is an absolute honour to be of service to you and your lineage.
I look forward to supporting you on your spiritual journey.”

We are all carriers of energy and once you realise that, you have a duty of care to your own energetic hygiene. As you also carry your ancestral lineages energetic imprints, it becomes a non-negotiable to have a Shamanic Clearing, also known as Spirit Weaver Clearing. Lessly is a certified Spirit Weaver and Shamanic Magician having learnt in the sacred craft of Magician Magick under the White Dragon Lineage with Shamanic Energy Training®.

These sessions are uniquely woven to each individual with shamanic clearing and healing techniques to allow for true connection to SELF and your ANCESTRAL LINEAGES under the loving support and guidance of SPIRIT.

In each session you are held in a loving sacred medicine wheel where you are cleared, restored and balanced. This allows for expansion of self to reconnect you back to your divine timeline and that of your ancestral lineages as you are energetically cleaned, protected, grounded, present and connected to divine essence. This opens you up to the abundant energy of creation in order to fulfil your dreams, wishes and prayers to self, your loved ones and all beings here on Earth.

Shamanic Clearing Sessions may include the following themes:

  • Spells, Curses, Hexes, Psychic Attacks

  • Toxic Thought Forms

  • Aliments/Dis-eases in mental/emotional/physical/soul/spiritual bodies and field

  • Karmic Patterns in your lineages or inherited via marriage or having children

  • Clearing of entities or spirits who are trapped in your energetic field or that of your ancestors

  • Clearing of entities after attending festivals and events

  • Inner Child Healing

  • Returning Soul Portions

  • Post Operative Care

  • Post Partum Care

  • Clearing your 3 Cauldrons

  • Clearing and blanching your Chakras

  • Releasing Trauma, Sadness, Anxiety, Stress, Grief.