Sacred Ceremonies

Lessly offers Sacred Ceremonies for clients in the most intimate and special settings in 1:1’s, couples, families, woman’s circles, programs & workshops, to special occasions such as Baby Calling, Baby Blessings, Hens, Milestone Birthdays and more.

Being a Sacred Space Holder ensures that all Ceremonies are done with the client’s protection of a clean energetic space and more so personalised to suit the clients needs. This allows for a ceremony that is rich, to enlighten all the senses plus the ability to hold the sacred container under The White Dragon Lineage with Shamanic Energy Training®.

“Lessly is an expert in creating Sacred Ceremonies and Offerings that will heighten and enlighten your senses.”

Cacao Ceremony

Lessly specialises in Cacao Ceremonies as it is an Ancestral Lineage Plant. Having right relationship with Mama Cacao ensures that all Sacred Cacao Ceremonies are in the highest frequency for each ceremony to be conducted to the client and or group’s highest good. 

Having the golden Ceremonial Cacao Brew of the gods in the right setting such as a Cacao Ceremony by a trained facilitator and specialist in sacred ceremonies allows the participant to drop into the sacred space with ease and support but more so allow the medicinal plant benefits to take place. 

Ceremonial grade cacao has an abundance of Theobromine that stimulates the cardiovascular system and when savoured in the right setting it can generate a warm and euphoric body state. The nurturing and loving energy provided by Mama Cacao, the cacao plant deva, weaves in healing, clearing and balancing of the heart and womb as she is a creator. She has the power of creative energy to ignite fertility for pregnancy, to have your baby, allow new creative ideas to be birthed, to calling in your soul mate. Mama Cacao also supports, heals and balances all areas of your life if you have had a challenging time, struck with loss, grief or simply are needing to re-boot your life. Mama Cacao supports you on whichever journey you are on with so much love and compassion.

Lessly’s Sacred Cacao Ceremonies have supported many women and couples to call in their baby/s, a new home, a new job, a promotion, a new car, overseas travel, right business partners, to calling in abundance to all areas of your life. 

Baby Calling Ceremony

This sacred and potent ceremony is for those of you that are calling in your soul tribe BABY. You may be at the pre-pregnancy stage and just know that your baby needs to come through in a most sacred way via the Baby Calling Ceremony with the Ancient Plant Cacao with support from your Ancestral Lineage, Ancestral Medicine and Ancestral Wisdom. This is a really sacred ceremony where the coming together of both the parents to be, sacred cacao, the set intention and having a trained shamanic facilitator allows for a potent Baby Calling Ceremony. 

“My Husband and I had the absolute honour of Lessly holding our Baby Calling Ceremony in our home. It was one of the most unique, tailor made and most amazing experiences that we have ever had and one that we will treasure across our lifetime. Thank you Lessly, you are one of the most beautiful souls.”

— Mel & John K

Baby Blessingway Ceremony - For Mothers to be

Baby Blessingways is an honouring for the Mother To Be whether it's her 1st baby, 3rd or 5th Baby!

This sacred Baby Blessingway or Mothers Blessing is an honouring to the Mother to be. This sacred ceremony is a gathering of the Mother To Be's closest family and friends where she is honoured with love, support and words of wisdom in preparation of the birth, stepping into Motherhood and Post Partum Care. In this manner the Mother To Be has her support circle to strengthen and bless the way ahead for her.

It's a web that's woven in the sacred space of the most trusted, loved and cherished women in her life who will provide a loving space where she can explore all that comes with the journey of Motherhood. This is a rite of passage of all the woman before her and all the woman after her too. 

“Lessly is a kind, loving and generous soul. Her life experiences has given her a huge heart that transmits love for the ones around her. Lessly's work is done with integrity to the spirits, her ancestors and the plant kingdom. She pours her heart and soul into her offerings. Being highly intuitive, she was able to craft the most aligned Baby Blessingway Ceremony for me and my baby. I am so grateful to know her and watch her work evolve more and more. I highly recommend her magic and her wisdom.”

— Sarah O

Whatever you have in mind, Lessly is an expert in creating Sacred Ceremonies and Offerings that will both heighten and enlighten your senses.

Bespoke Ceremonies Just for You,
Your Workshop or Event.

Lessly also tailor makes Ceremonies which are aligned to you and do not have any plant medicine at all; such as a baby blessing, or a milestone birthday, where it’s more of a celebratory ceremony. The possibilities are endless.

Enquire About Your Special Ceremony Now!

Please complete the form and Lessly will be in touch.

Investment: By quotation.